How to Eat what you Hunt
One of the most satisfying things about hunting is the ability to “fill your freezer” with the bounty from your hunt. Not only are you providing food for you and your family, you’re tapping into a heritage that runs deep into our ancestry.
At Rear Precision Pod, we’re all about eating what you hunt. For anyone on the fence, or looking to have a few respectful responses in their back pocket when asked about the ethics of hunting, this blog’s for you.
Benefit #1: You’re connecting the dots of the food cycle
Hunting is about so much more than “the kill.”
It’s a whole process that involves planning, prep work, recon, safety checks - and that’s all before you jump in the truck.
Then there’s the bonding with your buddies, the thrill of the hunt, then the moment you spot the animal and of course, the kill.
Even at that point, you’re not even halfway done. Consider the time and energy that you spend making sure the animal is properly cleaned, and ensuring the yield from the animal is maximized. Even if you have the animal processed, handling the animal with care is important every step of the way.
All this is to say that hunting is a process. And in that process you’re gaining respect for the animal, wildlife, and the hunters you’re exploring alongside.
Now step away from the cycle of that experience...and let’s look at how most people normally acquire their meat: at the grocery store.
That process consists of driving, parking, buying, cooking and consuming it.
And we get it! It’s how most of our society gets their food.
But it’s important to have gratitude for an experience that fully connects the dots of the natural life cycle. Hunting allows you to have so much more respect for the meat you’re eating, the life it lived, and the sustenance that it's providing for you and your family.
Just think, meat from one buck could yield 45-60 lbs! That’s enough to feed your family of four for a month!
Benefit # 2: Wild Game is Healthier
We’ve discussed the life cycle aspect of hunting. Now let’s talk about the health benefits of eating what you hunt.
Think about the origins of the chicken, turkey or deer meat that you’ve purchased in a grocery store. That animal has been farmed, likely pumped with antibiotics, and killed in an unnatural setting. Once processed, it’s shrink-wrapped and shipped to you from an unknown origin across the country.
Alternatively, eating hunted, wild game is actually healthier because:
- It’s leaner than most meats due to the wild animal’s active lifestyle.
- When an animal has been hunted in the wild, you can rest assured that that animal has eaten the nutrients of the natural world, (not processed foods bulk-fed in a feedlot.)
- You can also guarantee there are no antibiotics in the animal.
Lastly, a deer that is allowed to roam free in its natural habitat and eat the foods it’s designed to eat is going to taste better than an animal that’s been raised in an unnatural setting.
Benefit #3: The “Eat what you kill” motto
“Eat what you kill” has been a long time mantra of hunters. At Rear Precision Pod we believe there’s an element of responsibility that is very much tied to the essence of the hunt. Eat what you kill is more than just a motto, it’s a way of thinking about the entire experience in an ethical and responsible way.
This goes back to respect for the animal and it’s life cycle. When we look at the big picture of how an animal is hunted in the wild, it seems a lot more humane to hunt an animal in this way, than the alternative.
We hope these benefits help you consider what it means to eat what you hunt. Want to take your hunt to the next level? Reach out to our team at Rear Precision Pod about any of our hunting applications.